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No Molybdate Allowed? No Problem!

Air chiller. Sets of cooling towers in data center building.

November 11, 2021

Would you like to try the Cooling Loop Gator® for seasonal layup of your cooling tower, but cannot release any molybdate in your wastewater? No need to worry! We have the same revolutionary cooling water layup solution available without the molybdate tracer.

The original Cooling Loop Gator® is the brainchild of our efforts to find better ways to prevent corrosion while having a lower impact on users and the environment. It offers simple, safe, easy, and effective corrosion protection for cooling water systems during shutdown, and does so without traditional nitrites, phosphates, or chromates that can be potentially negative for the environment. Today, with molybdate now added to the list of concerns in some regions, we have removed the molybdate tracer to offer the Cooling Loop Gator® MF for those who require a molybdate-free version of the chemistry.

Cooling Loop Gator® MF is easy to apply for seasonal, short-term, or long-term layup of enclosed spaces for up to 12 months. It comes in water-soluble pouches that can be added to the cooling water and circulated for 12-24 hours before partially or fully draining the water. It protects multiple metal types in difficult to reach areas, reducing chemical consumption and unplanned maintenance costs upon startup, and helping you easily comply with tightening molybdate restrictions!

Read more about Cooling Loop Gator® MF here:

Contact us for assistance planning your corrosion protection program here:

Keywords: cooling tower layup, molybdate restrictions, seasonal layup, VpCI, Cortec, Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitors, plant shutdown, industrial water treatment

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